Coward Knight [Official Topic]

  • Creatore Discussione Anonymous
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Chosen one
In this letter, I will try to describe Pres. Silvio Berlusconi's witticisms in such a way that my language will not offend and yet will still convey my message that it does not require a Sherlock Holmes to prove that Pres. Berlusconi justifies his plans to take away what few freedoms we have left as "preemptive self-defense". It is worth noting at the outset that the pen is a powerful tool. Why don't we use that tool to clarify and correct some of the inaccuracies present in his nostrumsì To inform you of the grounds upon which I base my subliminal psywar campaigns, I offer the following. If he can't stand the heat, he should get out of the kitchen.

We should note, of course, that what I've written about Pres. Berlusconi doesn't prove anything in itself. It's only suggestive, but it does make a good point that Pres. Berlusconi is definitely up to something. I don't know exactly what, but he exhibits an air of superiority. You realize, of course, that that's really just a defense mechanism to cover up his obvious inferiority. Plainly stated, he demands obeisance from his devotees. Then, once they prove their loyalty, Pres. Berlusconi forces them to pose a threat to the survival of democracy. To my mind, his denunciations show a degree of unsavory sickness that even I didn't expect. To cap that off, my general thesis is that we must weed out people like Pres. Berlusconi who have deceived, betrayed, and exploited us. Only then can a society free of his confused, antisocial barbs blossom forth from the roots of the past. And only then will people come to understand that he says he's going to coordinate a revolution in the coming days. Is he out of his mind? The answer is fairly obvious when you consider that the first thing we need to do is to get him to admit that he has a problem. Pres. Berlusconi should be counseled to recite the following:
I, Silvio Berlusconi, am a stuck-up rake.
I have been a participant in a giant scheme to promote the lie of faddism.
I hereby admit my addiction to unilateralism. I ask for the strength and wisdom to fight this addiction.

Once Pres. Berlusconi realizes that he has a problem, maybe then he'll see that his underlings are too lazy to stop his encroachments on our heritage. They just want to sit back, fasten their mouths on the public teats, and casually forget that I can defend each and every point I've made so far. That's clear. But it would be wrong to imply that Pres. Berlusconi is involved in some kind of conspiracy to destabilize society. It would be wrong because his blandishments are far beyond the conspiracy stage. Not only that, but the main dissensus between me and Pres. Berlusconi is that I think that Pres. Berlusconi's dream is to rule the world, or failing that, annihilate it. He, on the other hand, contends that big emotions come from big words. I'll talk a lot more about that later, but first let me finish my general thesis: I'd like very much to respond to Pres. Berlusconi's claim that recalcitrant adulterers have dramatically lower incidences of cancer, heart attacks, heart disease, and many other illnesses than the rest of us. Unfortunately, taking into account Pres. Berlusconi's background, education, and intelligence, I am quite sure that Pres. Berlusconi would not be able to understand my response. Hence, let me say simply this: When I first became aware of Pres. Berlusconi's covert invasion into our thought processes, all I could think was how my love for people necessitates that I even the score. Yes, I face opposition from Pres. Berlusconi. However, this is not a reason to quit but to strive harder.

When Pres. Berlusconi's smear tactics are challenged, he usually responds by defacing a social fabric that was already deteriorating. Well, you can't really expect him to defend his positions with facts, explanations, logical arguments, or even references to events that occurred less than two years ago, can you? Why does Pres. Berlusconi want to promote racial superiority doctrines, ethnic persecution, imperialist expansion, and genocide? I believe it's to create such chaotic conditions in our lives that we'll welcome massive regulation, police restraints, and New World Order socialist oppression just to get order again. If you don't believe me then consider that if Pres. Berlusconi had his way, schools would teach students that Man's eternal search for Truth is a challenge to be avoided at all costs. This is not education but indoctrination. It prevents students from learning about how raffish chiselers are born, not made. That dictum is as unimpeachable as the "poeta nascitur, non fit" that it echoes and as irreproachable as the brocard that Pres. Berlusconi's offhand remarks may have been conceived in idealism, but they quickly degenerated into egocentric exclusionism.

The vast majority of people would probably be willing to help me put to rest the animosities that have kept various groups of people from enjoying anything other than superficial unity. These people simply need information, encouragement, direction, and leadership. Pres. Berlusconi's fantasy is to make today's oppressiveness look like grade-school work compared to what he has planned for the future. He dreams of a world that grants him such a freedom with no strings attached. Welcome to the world of gnosticism! In that nightmare world it has long since been forgotten that Pres. Berlusconi honestly intends to malign and traduce me. The direful sequence of that result, so flagrantly unstable and revolting in itself, is that disingenuous stumblebums will commit confrontational, in-your-face acts of violence, intimidation, and incivility by the next full moon. From this perspective, the worst types of snotty nebbishes there are must be treated with political justice, not with civil justice, as they are indeed not real citizens. And here, I aver, lies a clue to the intellectual vacuum so gapingly apparent in his machinations.

Unlike everyone else in the world, Pres. Berlusconi seriously believes that the laws of nature don't apply to him. Woo woooo! Here comes the clue train. Last stop: Pres. Berlusconi.

From the perspective of those inside Pres. Berlusconi's den of thieves, the moon is made of green cheese. The reality, however, is that his shills lie about their analects, and then, when we're all convinced that no harm will be done, they devastate vast acres of precious farmland. I'm not saying that facetiously; as people who know me unequivocally realize, I always mean what I say and say what I mean. They also realize that the world is full of people who belittle all fine social standards. We don't need any more people like that. What we need are people who are willing to take a no-nonsense approach to dealing with disorderly quiddlers. We need people who understand that I once tried to explain to Pres. Berlusconi that his actions will display an irreconcilable hatred toward all nations. Rather than feel ashamed of himself, Pres. Berlusconi got angry at me. What this says is that Pres. Berlusconi's posse appears to be growing in number. I pray that this is analogous to the flare-up of a candle just before extinction, yet I keep reminding myself that for those of us who make our living trying to warn the public against those indecent layabouts whose positive accomplishments are always practically nil but whose conceit can scarcely be excelled, it is important to consider that he is on some sort of thesaurus-fueled rampage. Every sentence Pres. Berlusconi writes is filled with needlessly long words like "antiprestidigitation" and "piezocrystallization". Either he is deliberately trying to confuse us or else he's secretly scheming to waffle on all the issues.

Pres. Berlusconi has been trying for some time to convince people that he is a bearer and agent of the Creator's purpose. Don't believe his hype! Pres. Berlusconi has just been offering that line as a means to shock and stampede the public into accepting total fascist tyranny. He considers it fair game to undermine the individualistic underpinnings of traditional jurisprudence. That much is crystal clear. But did you know that anyone who claims that the rules don't apply to Pres. Berlusconi is a dupe, quack, or hired gun selling stories he knows to be untrue? That's why I'm telling you that Pres. Berlusconi must have some sort of problem with reading comprehension. That's the only explanation I can come up with as to why Pres. Berlusconi accuses me of admitting that he's the best thing to come along since the invention of sliced bread. What I actually said is that Pres. Berlusconi's witless attempt to construct a creative response to my previous letter was absolutely pitiful. Really, Pres. Berlusconi, stringing together a bunch of solecistic insults and seemingly random babble is hardly effective. It simply proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that if it were up to him, schoolchildren would be taught reading, 'riting, and racism.

In general, Pres. Berlusconi is a scavenger of human misery. Sure, there are exceptions, but one of the unconscionable, stupid dirtbags in his employ has penned an extensive treatise whose thesis is that Pres. Berlusconi would never even consider pulling the levers of propagandism and oil the gears of emotionalism. Contrary to what that embarrassingly emollient hagiography asserts, just as night follows day, Pres. Berlusconi will take the robes of political power off the shoulders of the few honest people who wear them and put them upon the shoulders of brown-nosing televangelists sooner or later. One thing to keep in mind is that he has a natural talent for complaining. He can find any aspect of life and whine about it for hours upon hours. Pres. Berlusconi's idiotic claim that morally crippled scum should be fêted at wine-and-cheese fund-raisers is just that, an idiotic claim. Pres. Berlusconi's myrmidons believe that the bogeyman is going to get us if we don't agree to Pres. Berlusconi's demands. Although it is perhaps impossible to change the perspective of those who have such beliefs, I wish nevertheless to rouse people's indignation at Pres. Berlusconi.

There isn't so much as a molecule of evidence that things have never been better. The only reason that Pres. Berlusconi claims otherwise is that he thinks it would be a great idea to plague our minds. Even if we overlook the logistical impossibilities of such an idea, the underlying premise is still flawed. The problem as I see it is not a question of who the sad sacks of this society are but rather that Pres. Berlusconi maintains that anyone who disagrees with him is a potential terrorist. Perhaps it would be best for him to awaken from his delusional, narcoleptic fantasyland and observe that if history follows its course, it should be evident that his pals are tools. Like a hammer or an axe, they are not inherently evil or destructive. The evil is in the force that manipulates them and uses them for destructive purposes. That evil is Silvio Berlusconi, who wants nothing less than to overthrow the government and eliminate the money system.

If some people are offended by my mentioning that thrasonical humanity-haters like Pres. Berlusconi often think they have the right to control, manipulate, and harm other people, then so be it. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that in a vain effort to exculpate himself, he has been proclaiming to the world that he has done no wrong. Rather, it was his admirers who have been subordinating principles of fairness to less admirable criteria. I suppose the next thing he'll have us believe is that ultra-maladroit dunces are easily housebroken. Finally, this has been a good deal of reading, and doubtlessly difficult reading at that. Still, I hope you walk away from it with the new knowledge that the world has a surplus of stupidity.



Fake ha scritto:
In this letter, I will try to describe Pres. Silvio Berlusconi's witticisms in such a way that my language will not offend and yet will still convey my message that it does not require a Sherlock Holmes to prove that Pres. Berlusconi justifies his plans to take away what few freedoms we have left as "preemptive self-defense". It is worth noting at the outset that the pen is a powerful tool. Why don't we use that tool to clarify and correct some of the inaccuracies present in his nostrumsì To inform you of the grounds upon which I base my subliminal psywar campaigns, I offer the following. If he can't stand the heat, he should get out of the kitchen.

We should note, of course, that what I've written about Pres. Berlusconi doesn't prove anything in itself. It's only suggestive, but it does make a good point that Pres. Berlusconi is definitely up to something. I don't know exactly what, but he exhibits an air of superiority. You realize, of course, that that's really just a defense mechanism to cover up his obvious inferiority. Plainly stated, he demands obeisance from his devotees. Then, once they prove their loyalty, Pres. Berlusconi forces them to pose a threat to the survival of democracy. To my mind, his denunciations show a degree of unsavory sickness that even I didn't expect. To cap that off, my general thesis is that we must weed out people like Pres. Berlusconi who have deceived, betrayed, and exploited us. Only then can a society free of his confused, antisocial barbs blossom forth from the roots of the past. And only then will people come to understand that he says he's going to coordinate a revolution in the coming days. Is he out of his mind? The answer is fairly obvious when you consider that the first thing we need to do is to get him to admit that he has a problem. Pres. Berlusconi should be counseled to recite the following:
I, Silvio Berlusconi, am a stuck-up rake.
I have been a participant in a giant scheme to promote the lie of faddism.
I hereby admit my addiction to unilateralism. I ask for the strength and wisdom to fight this addiction.

Once Pres. Berlusconi realizes that he has a problem, maybe then he'll see that his underlings are too lazy to stop his encroachments on our heritage. They just want to sit back, fasten their mouths on the public teats, and casually forget that I can defend each and every point I've made so far. That's clear. But it would be wrong to imply that Pres. Berlusconi is involved in some kind of conspiracy to destabilize society. It would be wrong because his blandishments are far beyond the conspiracy stage. Not only that, but the main dissensus between me and Pres. Berlusconi is that I think that Pres. Berlusconi's dream is to rule the world, or failing that, annihilate it. He, on the other hand, contends that big emotions come from big words. I'll talk a lot more about that later, but first let me finish my general thesis: I'd like very much to respond to Pres. Berlusconi's claim that recalcitrant adulterers have dramatically lower incidences of cancer, heart attacks, heart disease, and many other illnesses than the rest of us. Unfortunately, taking into account Pres. Berlusconi's background, education, and intelligence, I am quite sure that Pres. Berlusconi would not be able to understand my response. Hence, let me say simply this: When I first became aware of Pres. Berlusconi's covert invasion into our thought processes, all I could think was how my love for people necessitates that I even the score. Yes, I face opposition from Pres. Berlusconi. However, this is not a reason to quit but to strive harder.

When Pres. Berlusconi's smear tactics are challenged, he usually responds by defacing a social fabric that was already deteriorating. Well, you can't really expect him to defend his positions with facts, explanations, logical arguments, or even references to events that occurred less than two years ago, can you? Why does Pres. Berlusconi want to promote racial superiority doctrines, ethnic persecution, imperialist expansion, and genocide? I believe it's to create such chaotic conditions in our lives that we'll welcome massive regulation, police restraints, and New World Order socialist oppression just to get order again. If you don't believe me then consider that if Pres. Berlusconi had his way, schools would teach students that Man's eternal search for Truth is a challenge to be avoided at all costs. This is not education but indoctrination. It prevents students from learning about how raffish chiselers are born, not made. That dictum is as unimpeachable as the "poeta nascitur, non fit" that it echoes and as irreproachable as the brocard that Pres. Berlusconi's offhand remarks may have been conceived in idealism, but they quickly degenerated into egocentric exclusionism.

The vast majority of people would probably be willing to help me put to rest the animosities that have kept various groups of people from enjoying anything other than superficial unity. These people simply need information, encouragement, direction, and leadership. Pres. Berlusconi's fantasy is to make today's oppressiveness look like grade-school work compared to what he has planned for the future. He dreams of a world that grants him such a freedom with no strings attached. Welcome to the world of gnosticism! In that nightmare world it has long since been forgotten that Pres. Berlusconi honestly intends to malign and traduce me. The direful sequence of that result, so flagrantly unstable and revolting in itself, is that disingenuous stumblebums will commit confrontational, in-your-face acts of violence, intimidation, and incivility by the next full moon. From this perspective, the worst types of snotty nebbishes there are must be treated with political justice, not with civil justice, as they are indeed not real citizens. And here, I aver, lies a clue to the intellectual vacuum so gapingly apparent in his machinations.

Unlike everyone else in the world, Pres. Berlusconi seriously believes that the laws of nature don't apply to him. Woo woooo! Here comes the clue train. Last stop: Pres. Berlusconi.

From the perspective of those inside Pres. Berlusconi's den of thieves, the moon is made of green cheese. The reality, however, is that his shills lie about their analects, and then, when we're all convinced that no harm will be done, they devastate vast acres of precious farmland. I'm not saying that facetiously; as people who know me unequivocally realize, I always mean what I say and say what I mean. They also realize that the world is full of people who belittle all fine social standards. We don't need any more people like that. What we need are people who are willing to take a no-nonsense approach to dealing with disorderly quiddlers. We need people who understand that I once tried to explain to Pres. Berlusconi that his actions will display an irreconcilable hatred toward all nations. Rather than feel ashamed of himself, Pres. Berlusconi got angry at me. What this says is that Pres. Berlusconi's posse appears to be growing in number. I pray that this is analogous to the flare-up of a candle just before extinction, yet I keep reminding myself that for those of us who make our living trying to warn the public against those indecent layabouts whose positive accomplishments are always practically nil but whose conceit can scarcely be excelled, it is important to consider that he is on some sort of thesaurus-fueled rampage. Every sentence Pres. Berlusconi writes is filled with needlessly long words like "antiprestidigitation" and "piezocrystallization". Either he is deliberately trying to confuse us or else he's secretly scheming to waffle on all the issues.

Pres. Berlusconi has been trying for some time to convince people that he is a bearer and agent of the Creator's purpose. Don't believe his hype! Pres. Berlusconi has just been offering that line as a means to shock and stampede the public into accepting total fascist tyranny. He considers it fair game to undermine the individualistic underpinnings of traditional jurisprudence. That much is crystal clear. But did you know that anyone who claims that the rules don't apply to Pres. Berlusconi is a dupe, quack, or hired gun selling stories he knows to be untrue? That's why I'm telling you that Pres. Berlusconi must have some sort of problem with reading comprehension. That's the only explanation I can come up with as to why Pres. Berlusconi accuses me of admitting that he's the best thing to come along since the invention of sliced bread. What I actually said is that Pres. Berlusconi's witless attempt to construct a creative response to my previous letter was absolutely pitiful. Really, Pres. Berlusconi, stringing together a bunch of solecistic insults and seemingly random babble is hardly effective. It simply proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that if it were up to him, schoolchildren would be taught reading, 'riting, and racism.

In general, Pres. Berlusconi is a scavenger of human misery. Sure, there are exceptions, but one of the unconscionable, stupid dirtbags in his employ has penned an extensive treatise whose thesis is that Pres. Berlusconi would never even consider pulling the levers of propagandism and oil the gears of emotionalism. Contrary to what that embarrassingly emollient hagiography asserts, just as night follows day, Pres. Berlusconi will take the robes of political power off the shoulders of the few honest people who wear them and put them upon the shoulders of brown-nosing televangelists sooner or later. One thing to keep in mind is that he has a natural talent for complaining. He can find any aspect of life and whine about it for hours upon hours. Pres. Berlusconi's idiotic claim that morally crippled scum should be fêted at wine-and-cheese fund-raisers is just that, an idiotic claim. Pres. Berlusconi's myrmidons believe that the bogeyman is going to get us if we don't agree to Pres. Berlusconi's demands. Although it is perhaps impossible to change the perspective of those who have such beliefs, I wish nevertheless to rouse people's indignation at Pres. Berlusconi.

There isn't so much as a molecule of evidence that things have never been better. The only reason that Pres. Berlusconi claims otherwise is that he thinks it would be a great idea to plague our minds. Even if we overlook the logistical impossibilities of such an idea, the underlying premise is still flawed. The problem as I see it is not a question of who the sad sacks of this society are but rather that Pres. Berlusconi maintains that anyone who disagrees with him is a potential terrorist. Perhaps it would be best for him to awaken from his delusional, narcoleptic fantasyland and observe that if history follows its course, it should be evident that his pals are tools. Like a hammer or an axe, they are not inherently evil or destructive. The evil is in the force that manipulates them and uses them for destructive purposes. That evil is Silvio Berlusconi, who wants nothing less than to overthrow the government and eliminate the money system.

If some people are offended by my mentioning that thrasonical humanity-haters like Pres. Berlusconi often think they have the right to control, manipulate, and harm other people, then so be it. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that in a vain effort to exculpate himself, he has been proclaiming to the world that he has done no wrong. Rather, it was his admirers who have been subordinating principles of fairness to less admirable criteria. I suppose the next thing he'll have us believe is that ultra-maladroit dunces are easily housebroken. Finally, this has been a good deal of reading, and doubtlessly difficult reading at that. Still, I hope you walk away from it with the new knowledge that the world has a surplus of stupidity.




Chosen one



Typing Monkey
Da Vinci's Notebook - My Enormous Penis

Sohead - Sei il mio enorme pene.

[Whenever life gets you down,
keeps you wearing a frown,
and the gravy train has left you behind...
and when you're all out of hope,
down at the end of your rope,
and nobody's there to throw you a line...
If you ever get so low
that you don't know which way to go
come on and take a walk in my shoes...
Never worry 'bout a thing
got the world on a string
Cause I've got the cure for all of my blues.

I take a look at my enormous penis
and my troubles start melting away.
I take a look at my enormous penis
and the happy times are coming to stay.

I gotta sing and I dance
when I glance in my pants
and the feeling's like a sunshin*y day...
I take a look at my enormous penis
and everything is going my way.

I take a look at my enormous penis
and my troubles start melting away.
I take a look at my enormous penis
and the happy times are coming to stay.

Yeah I got great big amounts
in the place where it counts
and the feeling's like a sunshiny day...
I take a look at my enormous penis
and everything is going my way.

Everything is going my way*on bob and tom now
Everything is going my way*hey look at these goobers
Everything is going my way
*ay chiuahua
Everything is going my way...]


Spam Master
E se i popoli santi vengono risparmiati dalla guerra rendete santo ogni popolo. E i mortali, ti chiedo.