Film Star Wars Episode VII

Oghard "El Burro" Fireburp



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Ho fatto una veloce ricerca ed ho scoperto di non essere più un Gemelli (segno che dopo aver visto "I Cavalieri dello Zodiaco" mi gasa parecchio) ma di essere diventato un banalissimo e cornutissimo Toro.


Ninja Skilled!
Ho fatto una veloce ricerca ed ho scoperto di non essere più un Gemelli (segno che dopo aver visto "I Cavalieri dello Zodiaco" mi gasa parecchio) ma di essere diventato un banalissimo e cornutissimo Toro.

quindi confermi che sarai nel cast di ep. VII ......

With Star Wars 8 releasing in Summer 2017, filming for the upcoming movie should be starting very soon. Benicio Del Toro has revealed he starts working on the film in Spring 2016.

Benicio Del Toro was interviewed by HitFix where he revealed when he will start filming for Star Wars 8. He said: “I’m traveling to England to shoot sometime in the spring.

Del Toro also said that Rian Johnson (director) handpicked him to be in the movie. Johnson had the idea that Del Toro was perfect for the character that is in the script. He did not give any indication yet if he’ll be playing a bad guy.

Del Toro did not deny that he won’t play a villain, but he’s not allowed to say anything at the moment. Some of the villains from The Force Awakens will be back so it will be interesting to see where Del Toro fits in if he is being a bad guy.

Disney has been good at keeping secrets so hopefully no spoilers are leaked while the cast are filming Star Wars 8 later this year. Disney managed to keep most of the big spoilers from The Force Awakens quiet until the movie came out.