Musica Un testo al giorno


SoHead Hero
Riproponendo un vecchio cavallo di battaglia dei forum Musica, ecco il thread dove postare un testo che voi reputate particolarmente significativo. Che lo sia per voi personalmente o per una situazione o per cio' che dice il testo, in tutti questi casi non abbiate alcuno scrupolo a postarlo.
Unica regola, piu' per evitare lo spam che altro, di non postare piu' di un testo al giorno, ma direi che e' fattibilissima :asd:

Apro le danze con un testo di una trentina d'anni fa, di uno di quei gruppi che con solo il disco d'esordio si inventano un genere a gia' lo superano.

Epitaph dei King crimson

The wall on which the prophets wrote
Is cracking at the seams.
Upon the instruments of death
The sunlight brightly gleams.
When every man is torn apart
With nightmares and with dreams,
Will no one lay the laurel wreath
As silence drowns the screams.

Between the iron gates of fate,
The seeds of time were sown,
And watered by the deeds of those
Who know and who are known;
Knowledge is a deadly friend
When no one sets the rules.
The fate of all mankind I see
Is in the hands of fools.

Confusion will be my epitaph.
As I crawl a cracked and broken path
If we make it we can all sit back
And laugh.
But I fear tomorrow Ill be crying,
Yes I fear tomorrow Ill be crying.

Mersault l'Apostata

Chosen one
bella storgia, ci piazzo subito il testo della canzone che ascoltavo or ora, un testo fenomenale e lezzissimo.

dall'album The Eraser di Thom Yorke del 2006

Harrowndown Hill si trova nello Oxfordshire ed è il posto dove è stato ritrovato il cadavere di David Kelly, esperto inglese di biotecnologie e genetica, impiegato del Ministero della Difesa britannico ed ex-ispettore dell'ONU in Iraq, che aveva messo in dubbio il possesso da parte di Saddam Hussein di armi di distruzione di massa.
chi vuole leggere qualcosa:

Don’t walk the plank like I did
You will be dispensed with
when you’ve become inconvenient

Up on Harrowdown Hill
The way you used to go to school
That’s where I am
That’s where I'm lying down

Did I fall or was I pushed?
did I fall or was I pushed?
And where’s the blood?
And where’s the blood?

But I'm coming home
I’m coming home
To make it alright,
so dry your eyes

We think the same things at the same time
We just can’t do anything about it

We think the same things at the same time
We just can’t do anything about it

So don’t ask me, ask the ministry
Don’t ask me, ask the ministry

We think the same things at the same time
There are so many of us
So you can’t count

We think the same things at the same time
There are so many of us
So you can’t count...

Can you see me when I am running?
Can you see me when I am running?
Away from there...
Away from there...

I can’t take the pressure
No one cares if you live or die
They just want me gone
They want me gone

And I'm coming home
I'm coming home
To make it all right
so dry your eyes
We think the same things at the same time
We just can’t do anything about it

We think the same things at the same time
There are too many of us so you can’t
There are too many of us so you can’t count...

It was me walking to the back of Harrowdown Hill
It was me walking to the back of Harrowdown Hill

It was a slippery, slippery, slippery slope
It was a slippery, slippery, slippery slope
I felt me slipping in and out of consciousness
I felt me slipping in and out of consciousness

I feel me...


Ninja Skilled!
Wish you wew here - Pink Floid

So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from Hell,
blue skies from pain.
Can you tell a green field
from a cold steel railì
A smile from a veilì
Do you think you can tellì

And did they get you trade
your heroes for ghostsì
Hot ashes for treesì
Hot air for a cool breeze?
Cold comfort for change?
And did you exchange a walk on part in the war
for a lead role in a cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl,
year after year,
running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears,
wish you were here.

Kalannar De'Valas

Typing Monkey
Art of Life - Xjapan

Desert Rose
Why do you live alone
If you are sad
I'll make you leave this life
Are you white, blue or bloody red
All I can see is drowning in cold grey sand

The winds of time
You knock me to the ground
I'm dying of thirst
I wanna run away
I don't know how to set me free to live
My mind cries out feeling pain

I've been roaming to find myself
How long have I been feeling endless hurt
Falling down, rain flows into my heart
In the pain I'm waiting for you
Can't go back
No place to go back to
Life is lost, Flowers fall
If it's all dreams
Now wake me up
If it's all real
Just kill me

I'm making the wall inside my heart
I don't wanna let my emotions get out
It scares me to look at the world
Don't want to find myself lost in your eyes
I tried to drown my past in grey
I never wanna feel more pain
Ran away from you without saying any words
What I don't wanna lose is love

Through my eyes
Time goes by like tears
My emotion's losing the color of life
Kill my heart
Release all my pain
I'm shouting out loud
Insanity takes hold over me

Turning away from the wall
Nothing I can see
The scream deep inside
reflecting another person in my heart
He calls me from within
"All existence you see before you
must be wiped out :
Dream, Reality, Memories,
and Yourself"

I begin to lose control of myself
My lust is so blind, destroys my mind
Nobody can stop my turning to madness
No matter how you try to hold me in your heart
Why do you wanna raise these walls
I don't know the meaning of hatred
My brain gets blown away hearing words of lies
I only want to hold your love

Stab the dolls filled with hate
Wash yourself with their blood
Drive into the raging current of time
Swing your murderous weapon into the belly
"the earth"
Shout and start creating confusion
Shed your blood for pleasure
And what? For love?
What am I supposed to do?

I believe in the madness called "Now"
Past and future prison my heart
Time is blind
But I wanna trace my love
on the wall of time, over pain in my heart
Art of life
Insane blade stabbing dreams
Try to break all truth now
But I can't heal this broken heart in pain
Cannot start to live, Cannot end my life
Keep on crying

Close my eyes
Time breathes I can hear
All love and sadness
melt in my heart

Dry my tears
Wipe my bloody face
I wanna feel me living my life
outside my walls

You can't draw a picture of yesterday, so
You're painting your heart with your blood
You can't say "No"
Only turning the wheel of time
with a rope around your neck
You build a wall of morality and take a breath
from between the bricks
You make up imaginary enemies and are chased by them
You're trying to commit suicide
You're satisfied with your prologue
Now you're painting your first chapter black
You are putting the scraps of life together
and trying to make an asylum for yourself
You're hitting a bell at the edge of the stage
You are trying to kill me

I believe in the madness called "Now"
Time goes flowing, breaking my heart
Wanna live
Can't let my heart kill myself
Still I haven't found what I'm looking for
Art of life
I try to stop myself
But my heart goes to destroy the truth
Tell me why
I want the meaning of my life
Do I try to live, Do I try to love
in my dream

I'm breaking the wall inside my heart
I just wanna let my emotions get out
Nobody can stop
I'm running to freedom
No matter how you try to hold me in your world
Like a doll carried by the flow of time
I sacrificed the present moment for the future
I was in chains of memory half-blinded
Losing my heart, walking in the sea of dreams

Close my eyes
Rose breathes I can hear
All love and sadness melt in my heart
Dry my tears
Wipe my bloody face
I wanna feel me living my life
outside my mind

Dreams can make me mad
I can't leave my dream
I can't stop myself
Don't know what I am
What lies are truth?
What truths are liesì

I believe in the madness called "Now"
Time goes flowing, breaking my heart
Wanna live
Can't let my heart kill myself
Still I haven't found what I'm looking for
Art of life
I try to stop myself
But my heart goes to destroy the truth
Tell me why
I want the meaning of my life
Do I try to live? Do I try to love?

Art of life
An Eternal Bleeding heart
You never wanna breathe your last
Wanna live
Can't let my heart kill myself
Still I'm feeling for
A Rose is breathing love
in my life

- FatmikE -

Typing Monkey
ballata dell'amore cieco ( De Andre')

Un uomo onesto, un uomo probo,
tralalalalla tralallaleru
s'innamorò perdutamente
d'una che non lo amava niente.

Gli disse portami domani,
tralalalalla tralallaleru
gli disse portami domani
il cuore di tua madre per i miei cani.

Lui dalla madre andò e l'uccise,
tralalalalla tralallaleru
dal petto il cuore le strappò
e dal suo amore ritornò.

Non era il cuore, non era il cuore,
tralalalalla tralallaleru
non le bastava quell'orrore,
voleva un'altra prova del suo cieco amore.

Gli disse amor se mi vuoi bene,
tralalalalla tralallaleru
gli disse amor se mi vuoi bene,
tagliati dei polsi le quattro vene.

Le vene ai polsi lui si tagliò,
tralalalalla tralallaleru
e come il sangue ne sgorgò,
correndo come un pazzo da lei tornò.

Gli disse lei ridendo forte,
tralalalalla tralallaleru
gli disse lei ridendo forte,
l'ultima tua prova sarà la morte.

E mentre il sangue lento usciva,
e ormai cambiava il suo colore,
la vanità fredda gioiva,
un uomo s'era ucciso per il suo amore.

Fuori soffiava dolce il vento
tralalalalla tralallaleru
ma lei fu presa da sgomento,
quando lo vide morir contento.
Morir contento e innamorato,
quando a lei niente era restato,
non il suo amore, non il suo bene,
ma solo il sangue secco delle sue vene.


[tt]Metropolis (Guccini, 1981)

La luce è andata ancora via, ma la stufa è accesa e così sia,
a casa mia tu dormirai, ma quali sogni sognerai
con questa luna che spaccherà in due le mie risate e le ombre tue,
i miei cavalli ed i miei fanti, il tuo Hesse sordo ed i tuoi canti,
tutti i ghiaccioli appesi ai fili, tutti i miei giochi e i tuoi monili,
i campanili, i pazzi, i santi e l'allegria.

E non andrà il televisore, cosa faremo in queste ore?
Rumore attorno non si sente, gochiamo a immaginar la gente,
corriamo a fare gli incubi indiscreti, curiosi d'ozi e di segreti,
di quei pensieri quotidiani che a notte il sonno fa lontani
o che nel sogno sopra a un viso diventan urlo od un sorriso,
il paradiso, inferno, mani, l'odio e amore.

Avessi sette vite a mano in ogni casa entrerei piano
e mi farei fratello o amante, marito, figlio, re o brigante
o mendicante o giocatore, poeta, fabbro, Papa, agricoltore.
Ma ho questa vita e il mio destino, e ora cavalco l'appennino
e grido al buio più profondo la voglia che ho di stare al mondo:
in fondo è proprio un gran bel gioco a far l'amore tanto e non bere poco.

E questo buio, che sollievo, ci dona un altro medioevo,
io levo dall'oscurità tutta la nostra civiltà,
velocità di macchine a motore, follia di folla e di rumore
e metto ritmi più lontani, di bestie, legni, suoni umani,
odore d'olio e di candele, fruscìo di canapi e di vele,
il miele, il latte, i pani e il vino vero.

Ma chissà poi se erano quelli davvero tempi tanto belli
o caroselli che giriamo per l'incertezza che culliamo
in questa giostra di figure e suoni, di luci e schermi da illusioni,
di baracconi in bene o in male, di eterne fughe dal reale
che basta un po' d'oscurità per darci la serenità,
semplicità, sapore, sale e ritornelli.

Non voglio tante vite a mano, mi basta questa che viviamo,
comuni giorni intensi o pigri, gli specchi ambigui dei miei libri,
le tigri della fantasia, tristezza ed ottimismo ed ironia.
Ma quante chiacchiere stavolta, che confusione a ruota sciolta,
lo so che è un pezzo che parliamo, ma è tanto bello, non dormiamo,
beviamo ancora un po' di vino, che tanto tra due sorsi è già mattino.

Su sveglia e guardati d'attorno, sta già arrivando il nuovo giorno,
lo storno e il merlo son già in giro, non vorrai fare come il ghiro...
Non c'è black-out e tutto è ormai finito e il vecchio frigo è ripartito,
con i suoi toni rochi e tristi scatarra versi futuristi...
Lo so siam svegli ormai da allora, ma qualche cosa manca ancora...
finiamo in gloria amore mio che dopo, a giorno fatto, dormo anch'io...[/tt]


Io metto solo il ritornello:

In Flames - Crawl Through Knives

It's in my hands.
The sky, so bright.
It's burning.
It's for me to decide.
If flames will reach heaven tonight.

Dovremmo anche spiegare perché il testo ci risulta significativo?


Io lo trovo magico questo testo, sarà la voce di Plant, sarà tutto boh, ma è sicuro quanto mi faccia impazzire.

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying the stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying the stairway to heaven.

There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it makes me wonder.

There's a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who stand looking.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it really makes me wonder.

And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter.

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.
And it makes me wonder.

Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know,
The piper's calling you to join him,
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.

And she's buying the stairway to heaven


Typing Monkey
Quello che non ho - Fabrizio de Andrè

Quello che non ho è una camicia bianca
quello che non ho è un segreto in banca
quello che non ho sono le tue pistole
per conquistarmi il cielo per guadagnarmi il sole

Quello che non ho è di farla franca
quello che non ho è quel che non mi manca
quello che non ho sono le tue parole
per guadagnarmi il cielo per conquistarmi il sole

Quello che non ho è un orologio avanti
per correre più in fretta e avervi più distanti
quello che non ho è un treno arrugginito
che mi riporti indietro da dove son partito

Quello che non ho sono i tuoi denti d'oro
quello che non ho è un pranzo di lavoro
quello che non ho è questa prateria
per correre più forte della malinconia

Quello che non ho sono le mani in pasta
quello che non ho è un indirizzo in tasca
quello che non ho sei tu dalla mia parte
quello che non ho è di fregarti a carte
Quello che non ho è una camicia bianca

quello che non ho è di farla franca
quello che non ho sono le tue pistole
per conquistarmi il cielo per guadagnarmi il sole​

- FatmikE -

Typing Monkey
BLUR - Coffee & Tv

Do you feel like a chain store?
Practically floored
One of many zeros
Kicked around bored
Your ears are full but your empty
Holding out your heart
To people who never really
Care how you are

So give me coffee and tv
Ive seen so much
Im goin blind
And Im braindead virtually
Its hard enough for me
Take me away form this big bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start all over again

Do you go to the country
It isnt very far
Theres people there who will hurt you
Cos of who you are

Your ears are full of the language
Theres wisdom there youre sure
til the words start slurring
And you cant find the door

So give me coffee and tv
Ive seen so much
Im goin blind
And Im braindead virtually
Its hard enough for me
Take me away form this big bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start all over again

So give me coffee and tv
Ive seen so much
Im goin blind
And Im braindead virtually
Its hard enough for me
Take me away form this big bad world
And agree to marry me
So we can start all over again

Oh...we could start over again
Oh...we could start over again
Oh...we could start over again
Oh...we could start over again


Chosen one
Rebel Rebel - David Bowie

You've got your mother in a whirl
Shes not sure if youre a boy or a girl
Hey babe, your hairs alright
Hey babe, lets go out tonight
You like me, and I like it all
We like dancing and we look divine
You love bands when theyre playing hard
You want more and you want it fast
They put you down, they say Im wrong
You tacky thing, you put them on

Rebel rebel, youve torn your dress
Rebel rebel, your face is a mess
Rebel rebel, how could they know?
Hot tramp, I love you so!

Dont ya?
Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo

Youve got your mother in a whirl cause shes
Not sure if youre a boy or a girl
Hey babe, your hairs alright
Hey babe, lets stay out tonight
You like me, and I like it all
We like dancing and we look divine
You love bands when theyre playing hard
You want more and you want it fast
They put you down, they say Im wrong
You tacky thing, you put them on

Rebel rebel, youve torn your dress
Rebel rebel, your face is a mess
Rebel rebel, how could they know?
Hot tramp, I love you so!

Dont ya?

Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo
Doo doo doo-doo doo doo doo doo

Rebel rebel, youve torn your dress
Rebel rebel, your face is a mess
Rebel rebel, how could they know?
Hot tramp, I love you so!

Youve torn your dress, your face is a mess
You cant get enough, but enough aint the test
Youve got your transmission and your live wire
You got your cue line and a handful of ludes
You wanna be there when they count up the dudes
And I love your dress
Youre a juvenile success
Because your face is a mess
So how could they know?
I said, how could they know?

So what you wanna know
Calamitys child, chi-chile, chi-chile
Whered you wanna go?
What can I do for you? looks like youve been there too
cause youve torn your dress
And your face is a mess
Oh, your face is a mess
Oh, oh, so how could they know?
Eh, eh, how could they know?
Eh, eh


Aristi vari - Foggy Dew

As down the glen one Easter morn to a city fair rode I
There Armed lines of marching men in squadrons passed me by
No fife did hum nor battle drum did sound it's dread tatoo
But the Angelus bell o'er the Liffey swell rang out through the foggy dew

Right proudly high over Dublin Town they hung out the flag of war
'Twas better to die 'neath an Irish sky than at Sulva or Sud El Bar
And from the plains of Royal Meath strong men came hurrying through
While Britannia's Huns, with their long range guns sailed in through the foggy dew

'Twas Britannia bade our Wild Geese go that small nations might be free
But their lonely graves are by Sulva's waves or the shore of the Great North Sea
Oh, had they died by Pearse's side or fought with Cathal Brugha
Their names we will keep where the fenians sleep 'neath the shroud of the foggy dew

But the bravest fell, and the requiem bell rang mournfully and clear
For those who died that Eastertide in the springing of the year
And the world did gaze, in deep amaze, at those fearless men, but few
Who bore the fight that freedom's light might shine through the foggy dew

Consiglio la versione dei Dubliners, è una cosa veramente eccezionale.


SoHead Hero
Caroline says II - Lou Reed

Caroline says
As she gets up off the floor
Why is it that you beat me
It isnt any fun

Caroline says
As she makes up her eyes
You ought to learn more about yourself
Think more than just i

But shes not afraid to die
All her friends call her alaska
When she takes speed, they laugh and ask her

What is in her mind
What is in her mind

Caroline says
As she gets up from the floor
You can hit me all you want to
But I dont love you anymore

Caroline says
While biting her lip
Life is meant to be more than this
And this is a bum trip

But shes not afraid to die
All her friends call her alaska
When she takes speed, they laugh and ask her

What is in her mind
What is in her mind

She put her fist through the window pane
It was such a funny feeling

Its so cold in alaska
Its so cold in alaska
Its so cold in alaska

Spam Rulez

Chosen one
Lady in Black [sup](Uriah Heep)[/sup]

She came to me one morning
One lonely sunday morning
Her long hair flowing
In the midwinter wind
I know not how she found me
For in darkness I was walking
And destruction lay around me
From a fight I could not win
Ah ah ah ...

She asked me name my foe then
I said the need within some men
To fight and kill their brothers
Without thought of love or god
And I begged her give me horses
To trample down my enemies
So eager was my passion
To devour this waste of life
Ah ah ah ...

But she wouldnt think of battle that
Reduces men to animals
So easy to begin
And yet impossible to end
For shes the mother of our men
Who counselled me so wisely then
I feared to walk alone again
And asked if she would stay
Ah ah ah ...

Oh lady lend your hand outright
And let me rest here at your side
Have faith and trust
In peace she said
And filled my heart with life
There is no strength in numbers
Have no such misconception
But when you need me
Be assured I wont be far away
Ah ah ah ...

Thus having spoke she turned away
And though I found no words to say
I stood and watched until I saw
Her black coat disappear
My labour is no easier
But now I know Im not alone
I find new heart each time
I think upon that windy day
And if one day she comes to you
Drink deeply from her words so wise
Take courage from her
As your prize
And say hello from me
Ah ah ah ...​


Chosen one
ascoltatela che è fantastica
The Replacements
Here Comes a Regular

Well a person can work up a mean mean thirst
after a hard day of nothin' much at all
Summer's passed, it's too late to cut the grass
There ain't much to rake anyway in the fall

And sometimes I just ain't in the mood
to take my place in back with the loudmouths
You're like a picture on the fridge that's never stocked with food
I used to live at home, now I stay at the house

And everybody wants to be special here
They call your name out loud and clear
Here comes a regular
Call out your name
Here comes a regular
Am I the only one here today?

Well a drinkin' buddy that's bound to another town
Once the police made you go away
And even if you're in the arms of someone's baby now
I'll take a great big whiskey to ya anyway

Everybody wants to be someone's here
Someone's gonna show up, never fear
'cause here comes a regular
Call out your name
Here comes a regular
Am I the only one who feels ashamed?

Kneeling alongside old Sad Eyes
He says opportunity knocks once then the door slams shut
All I know is I'm sick of everything that my money can buy
The fool who wastes his life, God rest his guts

First the lights, then the collar goes up, and the wind begins to blow
Turn your back on a pay-you-back, last call
First the glass, then the leaves that pass, then comes the snow
Ain't much to rake anyway in the fall


Uomo del Popolo
Laghetto - Uomo Pera.

Un nuovo inno generazionale permette sovrainterpretazioni multilivello
o solo la ricerca di un manicheismo radicale
E' necessario un antagonista, anche arbitrario, per ritrovare la propria identità
Per sapere cosa si è bisogna aver chiaro cosa non si è
Questa canzone si chiama: uomo pera

Uomo pera merda
Uomo pera merda
Uomo palla yeah
Uomo uva yeah
Terribile Norton merda
Uomo puma yeah
Bertallot merda
DIY Eeeeeehehhhh

Ho scelto un nemico a caso stasera, seguendo un criterio che, prima di adesso, forse a pensarci bene in effetti non c'era

Rifletto sugli altri il disgusto di me (x3); mi serve a schierarmi, invoco lo scontro. Ho scelto un nemico a caso stasera, come il bimbo karate metto e tolgo la cera

Uomo pera merda
Dottor Pira yeah
Con la pipa merda
Con la cresta yeah
Uomo palla yeah
Uomo uva yeah
Uomo pera merda
Uomo pera merda


Typing Monkey
la frase che ho messo in evidenza è molto significativa, a parer mio.

Gary Jules - Mad World

All around me are familiar faces
Worn out places, worn out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
Their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had

I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world mad world

Children waiting for the day they feel good
Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday
Made to feel the way that every child should
Sit and listen, sit and listen
Went to school and I was very nervous
No one knew me, no one knew me
Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson
Look right through me, look right through me

And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very mad world ... world
Enlarge your world
Mad world


Elio e le storie tese - John holmes

Quand'ero piccolo tutti mi scherzavano
per le dimensioni del mio pene,
ed io non stavo bene.
Soffrivo le pene per colpa del pene,
ma piu' il problema non si pone:
si' perche' il pene mi da' il pane,
son diventato un grande attore
e benche' schiavo dell'amore,
mi son comprato una moto.
E ora son schiavo della moto,
non faccio piu' moto,
infatti vado solo in moto
ma ora son diventato un mito:
ho rilanciato il film muto
perche' sono muto,
e se vedrete il filmato
sicuramente converrete con noi
che questa e' verita'.

John Holmes, una vita per il cinema,
John Holmes, una vita per la moto.
John Holmes, una vita per il cinema,
John Holmes, una vita per la moto.

Trenta centimetri
di dimensione artistica.
Su di cio' la critica e' concorde
nel ritenermi sudicio.
Perche' non hanno capito,
non parlo perche' son rapito,
e poi in faccia non son mai inquadrato
pero' dal pubblico son venerato,
e ora sono diventato un mito:
ho rilanciato il film muto
perche' sono muto,
e se fossi stato ceco
avrei lanciato il film ceco,
e se fossi stato m
avrei lanciato il film m.
Dicon che faccio film penosi
perche' lavoro col pene.
E insomma il pene mi da' il pane,
il pene mi da' si' la moto,
ma la moto non da' pene
perche' funziona bene.
Si' si' la moto non da' pene
perche' funziona bene.

John Holmes, una vita per il cinema,
John Holmes, una vita per la moto.
John Holmes, una vita per il cinema,
John Holmes, una vita per la moto.

Il Grande John Holmes !!!!! :nerd: :wank: :awesome: Una vita per il cinema!!!!! :nerd: :wank: :awesome:

The Shiran Reborn

Chosen one
Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to heaven

There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'cause you know sometimes words have two meanings
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven
Ooh, it makes me wonder

There's a feeling I get when I look to the west
And my spirit is crying for leaving
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees
And the voices of those who stand looking
Ooh, it makes me wonder
Ooh, it really makes me wonder

And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now
It's just a spring-clean for the May queen
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on
And it makes me wonder

Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know
The piper's calling you to join him
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind?

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll

And she's buying a stairway to heaven


Shiran II ha scritto:
Stairway to Heaven - Led Zeppelin

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying a stairway to heaven
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to heaven

There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'cause you know sometimes words have two meanings
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven
Ooh, it makes me wonder

There's a feeling I get when I look to the west
And my spirit is crying for leaving
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees
And the voices of those who stand looking
Ooh, it makes me wonder
Ooh, it really makes me wonder

And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now
It's just a spring-clean for the May queen
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on
And it makes me wonder

Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know
The piper's calling you to join him
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind?

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll

And she's buying a stairway to heaven

a parte che ormai staruei tu ìven ha sfrangiato lo scroto, era il caso di metterla due volte?