PC Football Manager 2014


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C'è del fomento.

Sì decio è in inglese, se avrò voglia magari piano piano lo traduco.

FM2014 Feature Announcements

New Football Manager 2014 features are being announced every weekday, we'll keep you updated with regular daily emails until the games released.

NEW! Board Confidence includes financial fair play
In FM14 Board Confidence and Board Interaction have been expanded to include feedback on meeting new financial fair play requirements, including a monthly report in your inbox

NEW! Staff Traits
When new staff are created in FM14 (new staff members who are not former players), they will now have non player traits, which are the staff equivalent of player preferred moves

NEW! Press targeting players
In FM14 the press are more likely to target a specific player for criticism, claiming that they're overrated or unsuitable for your team

NEW! Improved MLS league
The MLS and A-League have had massive revamps in Football Manager 2014. Making them both more realistic and more playable. Here's a preview of a news item explaining league contract rules when joining a MLS or A-League team.

Separate staff budget
Football Manager 2014 will feature Separate wages budgets for the squad and the playing staff. So you no longer have to worry about whether to sign that new player or that extra coach. Especially important when struggling in those lower leagues

Chairman Selling Media Hype
FM14 will feature more media hype surrounding the sale of a club your involved in including press conference questions concerning the state and future of the club and the chairmen

Supporter Owned Clubs
The role of supporters owning clubs has been improved in Football Manager 14 and now, where appropriate, supporter owned clubs will no longer be sold to businessmen

Improved Director of Football
In FM14 you can ask a Director of Football to find a player who plays in a specific role or position, rather than just seeking out specific players.

Staff Recommend Player Button
When you hire a new staff member in FM14 the news item will include a recommended player button allowing you quickly see the players the new staff member recommends you sign

"Ungentlemanly Conduct" renamed "Unsporting Behaviour"
In Football Manager 2014 "Ungentlemanly Conduct" has been renamed "Unsporting Behaviour"

Usability Improvements
In FM14 player position labels will link to that particular position section

Asking Price Conversation
FM14 includes a revamped conversation with players concerned over their asking price

Improved transfer budgets
Transfer and wage budgets have a dose of realism in FM14 with agent fees & pro-rated loyalty bonuses now being included in the calculation of transfer budgets and contract bonuses coming out of your wage budget

Multiple contract end dates
In Football Manager 2014 you will now be able to have multiple end dates when offering contracts to players

New Player Roles
There are 8 new player roles in Football Manager 2014: Half back, target flank man, limited FB, complete wing back, enganche, regista, false no.9, shadow striker

Training Camps
FM2014 will have training camps properly integrated into the training calendar, allowing you to fully manage your pre-season training.

Split Training Days
FM2014 improves the training calendar allowing you to split single days into both Rest and Match Preparation

Fixture Previews
FM2014 adds regular news items previewing the next round of league fixtures

Conditional Loan Repayments
FM14 features more tranfer options when loaning players including conditional loan payments e.g "£500k repayable on promotion

Fixture rearrangement or postponement
Football Manager 2014 Features the ability for you to request fixture rearrangement or postponement if a number of your players are unavailable such as being called up for international duty

Continental Qualification News
FM14 features new and improved, streamlined Continental Qualification seeding news stories in your inbox before draws are made

Improved Shortlists
FM2014 will allow you to retain full access to your shortlists regardless of which team managed or if you're unemployed

Referee Categories
Football Manager 2014 features revamped referee categories, ensuring that the right level of ref is refereeing the correct matches

Fan reactions
New, improved and more realistic fan reactions to losses against vastly superior opposition in FM14

New stadium means increased attendance
FM2014 will featre increased attendances for fixtures, including friendlies, at new stadiums

Player suitability news item
Player suitability for different roles will be delivered in one report to your inbox in FM2014, allowing you to quickly adjust your team when recieving backroom advice

Press Conference for Stadium Enhancements
New Press conference questions if stadium improvements or a new stadium request is granted or rejected by the chairman

Regional Referees
FM2014 will have a revamp the way referees work in Football Manager with specific regional refs, refereeing regional competitions such as the Conference North

Congratulate player on international cap
In Football Manager 2014 you can privately congratulate a player on winning their 1st cap or scoring their 1st international goal

Enhanced Finance Management
Marker in financial projection graph to indicate where the club are in relation to the budget

Shot Analysis
You can now split the shot analysis page between first and second half shots for comparison in Football Manager 2014.

Referees Retire
Football Manager 2014 Referees retire and new ones appear.

Train players as leaders
In FM2014 you can train a player to develop into a leader.

Clauses included in transfer budgets
Your Football Manager 2014 transfer budget will now take into consideration all the clauses included in a transfer, not just the main fee.

Where are they now in Transfer History
The transfer history page in Football Manager 2014 now has a "where are they now" button, allowing you see how a player has progressed after leaving your club.

Reprimanding Captains
In Football Manager 2014 you can reprimand captains for bad behaviour and remind them that they should be more of a role model.

Define favourite formation
You can now define your own favourite formation when creating a new manager in Football Manager 2014.

Leak interest in job to the press
FM2014 adds the ability to leak your interest in a job at another club to the press rather than just applying directly.

Make players available for youth squads
Football Manager 2014 will allow you to make players available for the youth squads as well as just the reserves.

Fixture list includes potential cup opponents
When viewing your fixture list in FM2014 you will now see potential fixtures and opponents for future cup matches rather than waiting for the draw to be confirmed.

Assistant Manager takes control of training
In Football Manager you can assign your Assistant Manager to take control of all the different aspects of training.

Real time editor
An official FM14 real time editor will be released for FM2014 allowing you to edit various aspects of your saved game, not just new games.

Make use of your captain
In FM2014 captains can be asked to determine the mood/togetherness of the dressing room to help you know when you should have a team meeting. Captains can also be asked to resolve conflicts between two team mates in Football Manager 2014.

Check future transfer contracts
In Football Manager 2014 you'll be able to check the contracts that you've offered to players that are joining in the future

Bigger Stadium for European Matches
Football Manager 2014 allows you to schedule to play your European Matches at an alternative bigger stadium if your home stadium is too small

Ask a player to sack his agent
Having problems negotiating a contract with a player, or is his agent causing problems offering him around to other clubsì You can now ask the player to leave his agent in FM2014

TV Money Revamp
The amount of TV money each team gets is to get a total revamp to be more realistic in FM2014

Position History Graph
When choosing a club to start your Football Manager 2014 Career you can now view a position history graph to see how a club as performed in recent years

Pre Season Tour Merchandising Benefits
Going on pre season tours abroad in Football Manager will boost your shirt sales, bringing more money into your club

Director of Football Player Value Suggestion
The Director of Football will now suggest a more appropriate transfer value following unsuccessful attempts to sell a player in Football Manager 2014

Work Permits
FM2014 allows you to apply for work permits for your own players without having to offer them a new contract. Fixing a significant frustration faced by many Football Managers in previous versions.

Football Manager 2014 will feature for the first time, the opportunity for star players to have a testimonial having been at the club for a certain period of time or when they announce there retirement.


Get a life
Se la dirigenza mi si incazza ogni volta che vado sotto col budget sono fottuto.

By the way non so come farò a star dietro a tutti i giochi figosi che stanno uscendo in questo periodo....


Get a life
Beh per FM ci vorrà ancora un po', immagino come al solito uscirà tra fine Ottobre e inizio Novembre.


Spam Master
Non ho letto tutto. Mi sono fermato ai nuovi ruoli.

Hanno messo il falso nueve. Perche'? Che merda..


There are 8 new player roles in Football Manager 2014: Half back, target flank man, limited FB, complete wing back, enganche, regista, false no.9, shadow striker

cosa sono i primi 3 , enganche ?
shadow striker non è una spece di punta rapace?


Get a life
rebbo impressioni? che sensazioni hai?

Molte cose interessanti, sono molto curioso di vedere se sono riusciti con tutto quello che hanno aggiunto a riguardo a rendere ancora più realistico il lato economico e finanziario. Per il resto anche piccole cose ma davvero fighe come i ritiri ben integrati nel calendario della tua pre-stagione e i budget per gli stipendi staff separati da quelli giocatori.

Poi avevo letto altre cose, tra cui che avevano aggiunto una conversazione in tempo reale anche quando si tratta un giocatore e il chè non mi dispiace per nulla.

Non ho letto tutto. Mi sono fermato ai nuovi ruoli.

Hanno messo il falso nueve. Perche'? Che merda..

Fa cagare pure a me, pero' per completezza ci può stare. Messi sarà ancora più sgravato pero' con un ruolo che, praticamente, al mondo fanno solo lui e Fabregas qualche volta in nazionale.


Get a life
Manca poco ragazzi. Credo che tra due/tre giorni parta la beta pubblica per chi ha pre-ordinato.


Spam Master
Non sono pronto per affrontare il nuovo FM.. Ancora troppi giochi da iniziare, aspetterò i primi tagli di prezzo.
Se resisto ::\\:


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Non mi sono dimenticato di voi, è solo che sto rosicando come un maledetto.

Prima carriera con il Como raqe-quittata, seconda carriera partendo dal basso senza squadra rage-quittata, terza carriera con il Milan rage-quittata dopo una stagione, ci riprovo con il Milan arrivo terzo e agli ottavi di coppa uefa (dopo essere uscito ai gironi) comincia la seconda stagione rage-quittata a Novembre dopo che le ho pareggiate TUTTE non riuscendo mai una volta a tenere un vantaggio.

In tutte le partite ho provato soluzioni tattiche anche estremamente diverse, non me n'è funzionata una. L'assenza degli slider nella tattica di squadra (che ora è gestita tutta ad istruzioni di squadra e istruzioni al singolo giocatore) mi ha completamente spiazzato, faccio una fatica enorme a far giocare la squadra come voglio io. Insomma mi pare sia cambiato davvero tanto il motore di gioco (che pero' già dalla beta mi pare enormemente migliorato pure nella visualizzazione 3d). Speriamo bene, perchè per ora pochissime gioie e tanta infame gavetta.


che bella la gavetta da sangue acido

quali sono le differenze nella gestione della formazione rebsì


Get a life
Scarpate sui denti e calci in culo insomma. Mi sa che aspetterò un poco a comprarlo ^__^


Get a life
No, non hanno i diritti. Se non erro il campionato jappo è esclusiva Konami che lo mette solamente in Winning Eleven (neanche in PES per dire).


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No in PES non è giocabile mi sa (forse da quest'anno ma non ho ancora controllato), sicuramente in Winning Eleven lo è.