GDR Dark Heresy



Hallucinogen Effects
21-30 They're coming through the walls!



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AlastoOOor ha scritto:
Hallucinogen Effects
21-30 They're coming through the walls!

:asd: tra le psicosi mentali c'è "The Flesh is Weak!" :rotfl:
e nell'index terribilis a insanity point 100: Terminally Insane – Character retires from play (I’m not insane, but all of you are ha ha haargh...)
corruption 100: Damned – Character removed from play (I’m not a mu... Aaaaargh...)


e come dimenticare perils of the warp 100: A rift in reality is torn open and the Psyker is sucked into the warp with a little burping noise. He is no more.


ps: talento Cleanse and Purify
descrizione: Burn! Burn! Burn! None shall escape your fiery wrath! ...

:rotfl: sono degli invasati


Membro dello Staff
- FatmikE - ha scritto:
dovresti leggerti i codex per gli eserciti del sono delle perle niente male :asd:
Qui ogni tanto ci sono dei riquadrini a forma di aquila imperiale con delle citazioni penso dai codex :asd:


Membro dello Staff
Ieri sera, sparo alla testa di un ragazzino sotto possessione :fag11:
era a 1 passo da me, sdraiato per terra
50 di base + distanza point blank +30, +20 per il turno intero a mirare, -20 perchè miro alla testa, +10 per il mirino laser = 90
roll= 97: pericolo di jam
roll=1: jam scongiurato
dio benedica le armi con la qualità affidabile(Reliable)


Membro dello Staff
Io nel dubbio ho pronta una scheda per qualunque cosa :V Ora ne faccio una per ars arcana, già che ci sono.


Membro dello Staff
1) stasera gioco e voi no, gne gne gne
2) ho trovato il FLUSSO ACQUATICO più prolifico, chi fosse interessato mi contatti su msn.


Membro dello Staff
You have been told of the Inquisition; that shadowy
organisation which defends Mankind and the
Emperor from the perils of heresy, possession, alien
dominance and rebellion.
You have been told the Inquisition are the ultimate
defence against the phantoms of fear and terror
which lurk in the darkness between the stars.
You have been told the Inquisition are the bright
saviours in an eclipse of evil; purest and most
devoted warriors of the Emperor.
You have been told the Inquisition is united in its
cause to rid the galaxy of any threat, from without or

Everything you have been told is a lie!​

A single candle guttered on an ornate silver
stick in the centre of the room, throwing a
yellowish, fitful light over the faces of the
cowled figures stood in the dusty chamber.
“The Golden Throne works,” one said, his
voice aged and cracked. “The Emperor’s life
can be sustained indefinitely.”
“His soul lives on?” another inquired, his
long, sharp nose protruding from under the
lip of his hood. “It is not an empty husk?”
“It is not,” the first confirmed. “The
Emperor has ascended to the next plane,
but the link ’twixt body and spirit remains
“Then it can be brought back,” suggested
the third, a young woman whose flowing
white hair spilled from her hood and down
to her waist. “The Emperor need not suffer
this hideous eternal life in death.”
“We cannot risk such a thing!” the first
hissed. “What if the spiritual link were
severed? What if the person brought back
was not the man we once knew? Changed?
News of the Emperor’s… ascension is
already widespread. He is being revered as
a god already on a hundred worlds. In this
time of rebuilding, we need a symbol. The
Emperor has shown us the way. Anyway,
who would believe the Emperor had
returned so soon? It will cause a civil war
more devastating than that of the fool
Horus, and even now we have yet to start
counting the cost of that. No, better that
this knowledge remains hidden. When we
pass on to join the Emperor, it will die with
“You cannot deny Mankind the Emperor,” a
fourth voice, deep and slow, stated firmly.
“He and the empire he has built are
Mankind’s only chance of survival.”
The woman and the deep-voiced man both
withdrew into the shadows and a moment
later the door creaked open, a chill draught
causing the candle flame to flit wildly.
“Moriana, Promeus, wait!” the first man
called out, but the door slammed shut in
“We cannot let them do this,” the hawknosed
man decided.
“No, we cannot,” the first agreed. “We must
act quickly, get organised and claim the
“It shall be done,” the other concurred.​

Questa è l'introduzione di Inquisitor, l'RPG che assieme a Dark Heresy e Rogue Trader si appoggia all'ambientazione del 40k :fap:


Membro dello Staff
Oghard El Burro Fireburp ha scritto:
Ho letto solo la prima parte, anche perché ho poca confidenza con il sistema di DH...vado avanti?
è tutto bellissimo..
Considera che tutti i roll sono sul d100 e più fai basso meglio è, i danni sono in d10 e più fai meglio è.
il 10 al danno fa scattare la RIGHTEOUS FURY per la quale continui a tirare d10 e sommare fintanto che fai 10. Insomma il triplo 20.